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Shiny New Frames for the Internet

games from the onchain future

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It has been a momentous few days in the onchain realm. On Friday, Farcaster launched Frames and opened the design space for developers to embed just about anything into a cast on Farcaster. Offering new mechanics which are only possible in web3 social.

Frames are customizable mini interactive apps and embeds which have already been used to sell $1K of girl scout cookies in an hour, release merch with instant sales, drop a free mint of 1000 NFTs, and stage a playable version of Doom.

Users can free mint NFTs in the feed, super fast, gated by their Farcaster ID, with creators covering the gas. There's great possibilities for publishing, releasing music, streaming content and many things.

Farcaster hit all time highs with over 11K daily active users as creators jumped in to explore the possibilities. Colin from Paragraph designed a frame that lets readers subscribe, read entire posts and claim referral rewards right there in the feed.

Future issues of UFO news including this post will be published using these tools.

Packy McCormick wrote a helpful guide exploring the sufficiently decentralized social protocol of Farcaster, what the ecosystem represents as an alternative to web2 social, and the first few days of Frames as the community got into action.

Developers can review Farcaster Frames and if you're curious to see what's happening for yourself you can now join Farcaster. There's a /ufo channel.

Frames are similar to the Open Actions unlocked by Lens Protocol, the other most prominent web3 social ecosystem in the space. Nader Dabit, Director of DevRel at Avara, posted a video to explore these ideas and show how to build for yourself.

Read Write Own by Chris Dixon was also published this week.

"A potent exploration of the power of blockchains to reshape the future of the Internet — and how that affects us all."

Chris has done a round of podcasts talking about the book, producing conversations about the history of the internet and roads not travelled, and how we've arrived in a place where four to five leaders of technology companies in Palo Alto substantially influence the communication and political systems of the entire world.

He asks why would we outsource this much power into the hands of a few unelected human beings and corporations who are largely unaccountable for the scope of their impact? Looking to a future in which society is in a less compromised position.

Podcasts: a16z Crypto, Pirate Wires, The Network State, Unchained

Latest podcasts

UFO 48 Multiplayer Music Communities with Fam — Nick Smith

06 DAOs & Investing in Web3 Social — Jakub Rusiecki

Leo Pastel — Oxytocin (with Glasstempo)


Kaleidoscores — Feathers


Halo Kubrick — RICH GIRL MATH

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